Are you ready for Distributed Wind 2025? This year marks the eleventh annual event where the leaders of the distributed wind industry convene in Washington, DC to showcase our sector of the wind industry to an audience of policy makers, agency staff, and renewable energy industry leaders. Become a sponsor to expose your business to a broadened audience that wants to explore the industry’s approach for creating business opportunities in the growing on-site power sector.

This is the only distributed wind business conference in the country. You will benefit from important industry updates by and networking opportunities with experts in the industry and from all over the world. This year we are expecting increased attendance with no federal travel restrictions and an invigorated industry due to the transformational policies and programs ushered in by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

The Business Conference will feature exciting new topics, speakers, and networking opportunities that will help attendees understand the full potential for on-site power in America’s clean energy future. In addition, industry leaders will join forces with diverse on-site power industry members to more effectively lobby Congress on issues directly related to the future of our industry.

Lobby Day is always a huge success! Each year, over thirty companies from across the country join together to participate in up to 50 meetings on Capitol Hill. Participants meet with Congressional leaders and staff to discuss their businesses’ issues, tell their stories, and request support for the growth of the distributed and community wind market in the United States.  This year we expect to arrange a combination of in-person and virtual meeting.

Interested in brand exposure? Sponsorship provides an excellent means of reaching out to your target market, highlighting your company’s leadership in the industry, and increasing your brand exposure.

Platinum  Package $3,000

  • Top billing & logo placement at Business Conference
    • Includes visibility on:
      • Event website
      • All marketing communications
      • Program Agenda
      • On-site materials
  • Top billing & logo placement at Lobby Day
  • Visibility in Lobby Day packets for all attendees
  • 2 free registrations for the two-day event including the Business Conference and Lobby Day
  • Capitol Hill Reception exposure

Gold Package $1,500

  • Exposure at Business Conference
    • Includes visibility on:
      • Event website
      • All marketing communications
      • Program Agenda
      • On-site materials
  • Logo placement during Lobby Day
  • 2 free registrations for the two-day event including the Business Conference and Lobby Day

Silver Package $750

  • Exposure at Business Conference
    • Includes visibility on:
      • Event website
      • All marketing communications
      • Program Agenda
      • On-site materials
  • 1 free registration for the two-day event including the Business Conference and Lobby Day

2024 Sponsors

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