Distributed Wind Energy News

The millions that a wind farm gives to its community

Industry advocates often talk about wind farms contributing revenue to local communities, so it’s nice to hear specific and tangible examples of wind power at work on the ground (that is, as opposed to 80-plus meters in the air, working to generate clean electrons). ...

Leaders in distributed wind power deliver their stories to Congress

**Media Availability** Leaders in distributed wind power deliver their stories to Congress “Wind Week” continues as Distributed wind industry heads to the hill February 27, 2014 What:  The Distributed Wind Energy Association (DWEA) kicked off its third annual Lobby...

New Book: SMALL WIND, Planning and Building Successful Installations

SMALL WIND, Planning and Building Successful Installations is a new book written by R. Nolan Clark to provide a cohesive guide to achieving successful installations of wind systems that are less than 100 kW in size.  The wind industry has grown to the point that there...

WoWE accepting fellowships for 2014 Rudd Mayer Fellowships

Women of Wind Energy (WoWE) is accepting applications for fellowships to women college students, recent graduates, or women changing careers into the wind energy field to attend the annual American Wind Energy Association WINDPOWER conference where there will be tens...

New Report from ACORE: Renewable Energy in 50 states

ACORE also released its Southeastern Region portion of Renewable Energy in the 50 States this week. Lesley Hunter, ACORE's Research and Program Manager and lead author of the report notes "the Southeastern states have often been reluctant to create market signals...