DWEA Permitting & Zoning Resource Center
Fact Sheets
- What is Distributed Wind?
- Benefits
- Aesthetics
- Birds
- Property values
- Setbacks
- Sound
- Tower heights
- Ice Shedding
- Distributed Wind Myths
Model Zoning Ordinances
DWEA has developed a set of model ordinances to assist in creating zoning consistencies for distributed wind turbines, defined as wind systems serving local electric loads:
1) A comprehensive model ordinance covering both distributed wind turbines up to and including 100 kW, suitable for home, farm, and small commercial applications, and those above 100 kW suitable for farm, commercial, institutional and industrial applications; and
2) A more narrow model ordinance only covering distributed wind turbines up to and including 100 kW.
DWEA prefers more comprehensive coverage in zoning for all distributed wind turbine sizes because it increases customer choice and will facilitate appropriate wind turbine sizing. The companion document below accompanies the model ordinance for wind turbines up to and including 100 kW; DWEA is currently adapting the companion document for the more comprehensive model ordinance.
- DWEA DW Model Zoning Ordinance-Updated February 2014
- DWEA MODEL ORDINANCE for Permitting and Zoning Distributed Wind Turbines up to and including 100 kW – published Jan 2012
- Companion Document for DWEA Model Ordinance (for Distributed Wind Turbines up to and including 100 kW)
- Permitting Guide – National Association of Counties (NACo)
- Permitting Guide – American Wind Energy Association
- DOE_Guidance_on Wind_Turbine Certification
- Ratings of wind turbines in compliance with DWEA’s recommended certification criteria
- Reccommended Certification Criteria
Other Resources
- ReNew Wisconsin – Small Wind Toolbox
- Windustry – Community Wind Toolbox
- Bird and Bat Study
– Erie PA
- Solar Today Article: Complying with USFWS Guidelines by Mick Sagrillo