Participate with your colleagues from across the country to promote positive change, eliminate barriers, and create opportunities. The most effective and useful way for members to participate in DWEA is to become involved at the committee level. Each committee is managed by co-chairs and populated by the membership base. Subcommittees are formed as needed and by membership recommendations.
Executive: This committee is composed of the officers of DWEA and it meets more often than the Board of Directors. It provides guidance to the DWEA staff and committees on day-to-day matters and it sends major policy or governance issues to the DWEA Board of Directors.
Federal Policy: Meets monthly and deals with policy and market matters that are affected or funded by the federal government, including the Congress and the administration. These areas of interest include all types of federal incentives, barriers, research and development, federal distributed wind applications and markets, and foreign assistance.
Service Providers: Composed of industry experts, dealers and installers, this committee meets monthly and provides a forum for system owners, installers or anyone to discuss and come up with innovative solutions to get abandoned or “orphaned” turbines back online. We also feature guest speakers periodically. If you would like to be a part of this committee, pl contact
Standards: Deals with all standards affecting small and community wind systems, including AWEA 2009-9.1 (certification), IEC 61400-2 (certification), NEC Section 694 (wiring), IEEE 1547 (interconnection), IBC 2009 / EIA-222-g (tower structures), and UL 6142 (electrical safety).
Other committees may be added in the future. All meetings other than the Executive Committee meetings are open to all members. Please contact us to be added to the mailing list and receive meeting details.