DENVER, June 2, 2015 – Trudy Kareus, Colorado USDA Rural Development State Director, announced that applications for the second round of Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) are due June 30, 2015. Agricultural producers and rural small business owners can now apply for resources to purchase and install renewable energy systems or make energy efficiency improvements. The REAP funding is an excellent example of the many ways that USDA is helping revitalize rural economies to create opportunities for growth and prosperity, support innovative technologies, identify new markets for agricultural producers and better utilize our nation’s natural resources. Eligible projects must incorporate commercially available technology.
Grants are available for up to 25 percent of total project costs and loan guarantees for up to 75 percent of total project costs for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements. Total grant funding available for all projects in this round will be $526,000. For more information on the program in Colorado contact Don Nunn, Colorado State Office, (720) 544-2927,
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