DWEA Files Motion to FERC Supporting Hybrid Renewables

DWEA on Aug. 22 filed a motion to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in support of a protest by Red Lake County Community Hybrid, LLC of Minnesota regarding the use by Midcontinent Independent System Operation, Inc. (MISO) of one pro forma Generator Interconnection Agreement (GIA) that contains a tariff applying to both large and small generators. Red Lake is a wind/solar/battery project led by DWEA member Hybrid Renewables. “DWEA is deeply concerned that the terms of MISO’s pro forma GIA will make it uneconomical for small generators to interconnect and be placed in service in the MISO territory, thereby harming several DWEA members who operate in MISO’s territory,” DWEA wrote in its motion. DWEA said it is essential that MISO’s pro forma GIA “differentiates between the interconnection requirements for small and large generators to remove undue disincentives to small generator development.” DWEA’s motion requests FERC use its authority under the Federal Power Act to require MISO’s pro forma GIA to differentiate between large and small generators. For a copy of the motion, contact DWEA President Mike Bergey at mbergey@bergey.com.