DWEA Reports on Standards Work for Distributed Wind

DWEA leadership recently completed two deliverables (reports) to NREL that close out a small standards support contract to DWEA that began with the launch of the revision of AWEA 9.1-2009 in 2020. Standards are quite impactful to the distributed wind industry. These reports – “Industry Assessment of Next Steps Deliverable 6.6” (Aug. 13) and “DW Opportunities with the International Building Code Deliverable 6.5” (Aug. 30) as part of the Technical Support for Small and Medium Wind Turbine Standards and Requirements (NREL Subcontract No. SUB-2020-10116) – show how DWEA and a number of its members are active in assessing and addressing soft cost barriers, both domestically and internationally. 

On the issue of pursuing a distributed wind section in the 2027 International Building Code, as proposed in Deliverable 6.5, DWEA is pleased to report that NREL has expressed a possible interest in supporting such an effort. Contact DWEA Executive Director Heather Rhoads at heather@distributedwind.org for copies of the reports and to submit your comments.