SMART Wind Support Structures Virtual Meeting
Wednesday November 18, 2015
2:30p-4:00p EST
As our final session identifying action items for the NIST-funded advanced manufacturing Roadmap, join members of the SMART Wind Support Structure Subgroup for a 90-minute virtual meeting to discuss tower and foundation design, and approaches for the US distributed wind energy industry.
Speakers and presentations will include:
Gunes Demirbas, G-Tower
Dr. Kyle Wetzel, Wetzel Engineering
Dr. Paul Migliore, AnerErgonics

They will present and participate in the brainstorming discussion on how to evolve U.S. distributed wind turbine tower design and bring manufacturing back to the U.S.
The meeting is free for DWEA members, government, and non-profit employees. There is a $25 registration charge for others.
A GoToMeeting weblink and dial-in instructions will be provided in your registration confirmation email.