Distributed Wind 2024 Agenda

Updated February 20, 2024

Residence Inn Capital View, Arlington, VA

PDF Version:  Click Here

Monday, February 26th

7:20a – 8:20a

Registration, Breakfast Buffet, and Networking Opportunity

8:20a – 8:30a

Welcome and Opening Remarks – Mike Bergey, DWEA President

8:30a – 9:00a

Keynote Address – Tom VilsaCk, Secretary of AgriculturE

9:00a – 9:30a

Leadership Panel: State of the Industry
Moderator: Charles Newcomb, Hoss Consulting

    • Richard Legault, Eocycle Technologies
    • Ken Kotalik, Ryse Energy
    • Mike Bergey, Bergey Windpower
    • Steve Sherr, Foundation Windpower
    • Brett Pingree, Emergya Wind Technologies
    • Reinout Oussoren, Northern Power Systems

9:30a – 9:45a

Vision for WETO and Distributed Wind
Eric Lantz, Director, US-DOE Wind Energy Technology Office (WETO)

9:45a – 10:45a

DOE’s 2024 US-DOE’s Programmatic Focus on Distributed Wind Deployment Challenges
Moderator: Patrick Gilman, Distributed Wind Program Manager, WETO, US-DOE

This session will feature new and ongoing US-DOE WETO sponsored industry and national lab projects focused on addressing deployment challenges and opportunities. Topics covered will seed discussions for the US-DOE WETO – Industry Strategic Planning Workshop Session on Deployment (Day 2, February 27th from 1:30 – 3:00 PM)

    • National Distributed Wind Deployment Network and Resource Hub – Danielle Preziuso, Pacific Northwest National Labs (PNNL)
    • Interconnection Innovation Exchange (i2X) Distribution Roadmap – Todd Wall, Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL)
    • WindSmart Program Launch – Reducing Permitting Barriers for Distributed Wind – Debra Perry, International City and County Managers Association – PDF from the event
    • Raising Awareness of Distributed Wind’s Value to Agribusiness – John Mogensen, Eocycle Technologies

10:45a -11:00a

Networking Break

11:00a – 12:00p

Lightning Round – Industry Products and Services
Moderator: Trudy Forsyth, Wind Advisors
Limited to 8 minutes each

12:00p – 12:15

Windustry 2024 Community Wind Awards
Presented by Lisa Daniels and Jim Duffy


Networking Lunch (included in registration)

1:15p – 2:50p

Federal Policy and Programs Update
Moderator: Heather Rhoads, eFormative Options

    • USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP), Latest Updates – USDA representative TBD
    • DOE OCED Energy Improvements for Rural and Remote Areas (ERA) – Toniqua Hay, US-DOE Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (invited)
    • New DOE Program Opportunities for Small Businesses, Manufacturers and State & Local Communities – Mary Yamada, US-DOE Office of Technology Transitions
    • DWEA’s 2024 Federal Policy Agenda – Lloyd Ritter, Green Capitol


Networking Break

3:20p – 4:55p

Rules of the Road for the Tax benefits in the IRA Legislation
Moderator:  Steve Sherr, Foundation Windpower

Presentations and discussion by three tax experts:

  • Luke Bassett, Director of Policy and Program Impacts, IRA Office, US Treasury Dept.
  • James Duffy, Nixon Peabody
  • Jaron Goddard, Wilson Sonsini


First Day Closing Comments
Mike Bergey, DWEA President



5:15 – 7:30p

Happy Hour – cash bar
SOCCi Italian Restaurant, Renaissance Arlington Capital View (adjacent to Residence Inn)

Tuesday, February 27th

7:00a – 8:00a

Registration, Breakfast Buffet, and Networking Opportunity

8:00a – 8:05a

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Mike Bergey, DWEA President

8:05a – 9:25a

Case Studies of New Distributed Wind Projects
Moderator: Paul Rowan, Windurance

This session will feature case studies of noteworthy Distributed Wind project covering different sizes and markets

  • 2 x 2.8 MW Wind Turbines for Dole Fresh Vegetables, Soledad, California – Steve Sherr, Foundation Windpower
  • 2 x 25 kW Wind Turbines at Linsmeier Farms, Wintrop, Minnesota – John Mogensen, Eocycle Technologies – PDF from Event
  • 15 kW Wind Turbine for FTS Enterprises, Juanita, Nebraska – Kerry Kisslinger, American Windpower – PDF from Event
  • 0.4 kW Wind Turbines for Oil and Gas Operations in West Texas – Ken Kotalik, Ryse Energy – PDF from Event
  • 100 kW Project Case Study – Chris Conner, Northern Power Systems – PDF from Event

9:25a – 10:35a

Distributed Wind Market Issues
Moderator: Shawn Martin, International Code Council

  • AgWind, DWEA’s Justice40 Focused Outreach to the Agricultural Market – Heather Rhoads, eFormative Solutions – PDF from Event
  • Reducing Market Barriers and Soft Costs with New Standards Specifically for Distributed Wind – Mike Bergey, Bergey Windpower – PDF from Event
  • Making NREL Market Modeling Data Available Locally – Caleb Philips, NREL – PDF from Event
  • Marketing Resilience for Distributed Wind Hybrids – Megan Culler, Idaho National Labs

10:35a -10:50a

Networking Break

10:50a – 12:10a

Technology Advances in Distributed Wind
Moderator: Bret Barker, US-DOE WETO

This session will feature advanced technology trends across a range of topics and associated US DOE WETO sponsored national laboratory research.  Topics covered will seed discussions for the US-DOE WETO – Industry Strategic Planning Workshop Session on Deployment (Day 2, February 27th from 1:30 – 3:00 PM)

  • Considering End-of-Life in Manufacturing Scale-up – Matt Korey, Oak Ridge National Labs
  • Sizing Distributed Wind for EV Charging – Caity Clark, NREL
  • Tomorrow’s Grid for Behind-the-Meter DER’s: Grid-forming Inverters and Low-cost Storage – Rachid Darbali-Zamora, Sandia National Lab
  • Designing Hybrid Systems to Optimize Resilience – Megan Culler, Idaho National Lab – PDF from Event


Conference Closing Remarks
Mike Bergey, DWEA President




Networking Lunch (included in registration)

1:30p – 3:00p

US-DOE WETO – Industry Strategic Planning Workshop – Session on Deployment

Residence Inn Arlington Capital View
Facilitator: Suzanne McDonald, NREL

Following presenter prompts from the Distributed Wind Deployment Challenges panel on Day 1 of the conference, interactive discussions will be held to solicit individual participant perspectives on the near and mid-term prioritization of WETO investments in deployment challenges and opportunities.


Networking Break

3:20p – 5:00p

US-DOE WETO – Industry Strategic Planning Workshop – Session on Technology R&D
Facilitator: Ian Baring-Gould, NREL

Following presenter prompts from the Technology Advances in Distributed Wind panel on Day 2 of the conference, interactive discussions will be held to solicit individual participant perspectives on the near and mid-term prioritization of WETO investments in technology R&D challenges and opportunities.



5:15 – 7:00p

Networking Reception – cash bar
Lobby/Breakfast Area, Residence Inn. Featuring REpowering Schools student teams and their project posters.

Wednesday, FEBruary 28th – DWEA Lobby Day

7:30a – 8:00a

Registration & Coffee

8:00a – 8:45a

Policy Briefing & “Lobbying 101”

9:00a – 4:30p

Congressional and Administration Meetings
Small teams led by experienced DWEA representatives (in 30 min. blocks)

4:30p – 6:00p

DWEA Private Reception TBD



Special Thanks to our Sponsors: