Winds of Change: Add Your Logo to DWEA’s FY22 Federal Funding Sign-on Letter!

Winds of Change: Add Your Logo to DWEA’s FY22 Federal Funding Sign-on Letter!

The winds of change are blowing through D.C. – DWEA is working hard to secure funding during the fiscal year 2022 federal appropriations process and capture that same energy to build support for distributed and community wind. Our FY 2022 appropriations sign-on letter will be soon submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate Appropriations Committees. If you represent an organization or business that supports local clean energy – add your logo and make your voice heard!

RENEWALS: click through this short form if no changes from last year

Individuals: You can help too! Share this post far and wide, add your email to our contact list, and if you’re feeling inspired, even reach out to some organizations and companies you think could support the letter – personal requests work best!

We’re especially looking for support in key states including: OH, VT, MT, IA, MN, CA, WA, WI, OR, AK

^^^And see over 190 current supporters!

For more info: email

Texans: Distributed Wind Will Save The Grid

What Caused the Blackouts?

As power grids throughout America continue to recover from an extreme freezing event and planned outages subside, there is no shortage of people looking for something to blame for the cause of the grid failure. Everything from State-isolated grids, frozen turbines, curtailed gas production, and poor maintenance is being discussed. This article does not seek to itemize the contributing factors. The root cause boils down to one thing: electricity demand exceeded supply.

Distributed Wind would have Helped the Grid

All types of distributed energy resources (DERs) with modern power electronics will help stabilize the grid during periods of high demand. The newest standards require that DERs like solar, wind or battery storage remain connected during grid events, rather than turning off and letting the power company stabilize the grid on their own, which was previously “standard operating procedure”. Distributed wind turbines are especially useful because the wind blows day and night providing a 24hr power capability unmatched by solar.

What is Distributed Wind Energy?

Distributed Wind is the practice of installing small(er) wind turbines close to the point of energy consumption; like at a farm, home site, school, or community. Learn more about the definition and benefits of distributed wind here. Even while remaining connected to the grid, every bit of power generated on-site by a distributed wind turbine strengthens the grid by eliminating the need to transport power long distances. Excess power generated by the turbine that is not used on site is sent back to the grid and powers anything nearby that is connected to the grid. This benefits the whole community. Now it is easy to see how Distributed Wind would help during blackouts – we just need more participation!

How Do I Get a Distributed Wind Turbine?

Not every site is appropriate for a wind turbine. First, you need to have a good wind resource. The National Renewable Energy lab has a free tool for basic wind resource assessments called The Wind Prospector. Second, you need to work through a sometimes-challenging local permitting application. But don’t worry, a certified installer can help you through this process and the Distributed Wind Energy Association is working tirelessly to improve the burdensome and inconsistent permitting process for wind turbines throughout the US. Finally, you need approval from the power company to feed power back into the grid. With the latest UL1741 certified inverters, these installations are welcome and sometimes encouraged by the local utility provider.

Battery Storage: Now It Gets Even Better

Anyone can see that the sun does not shine at night and wind doesn’t blow every hour of the day, so battery energy storage is a technology that benefits all types of distributed generators. The addition of a battery energy storage system provides the security of reliable power to a home and the grid even when the wind is not blowing.

Rescue the Grid with Distributed Wind

How can Distributed Wind help Texas? Let’s take a look at the Texas electricity grid right now as it continues to recover. A snapshot of Texas’s electricity grid outage at the time of this writing is captured (top) along with a wind resource assessment designed for distributed wind turbines. – 2013 average annual windspeed @ 40m

Now let’s look at some areas where they overlap. Remember – this is only an example based upon the current state of the grid and “cherry-picking” locations where distributed wind would help the most right now.

Overlay of current grid outages + distributed wind resource assessment

It is immediately clear that the Texas Hill Country, West of San Antonio, has an adequate wind resource at 40m to support distributed installations. These installations would not only help the local grid but would also take some of the load off of major nearby urban centers, like Austin and San Antonio where a small wind turbine might not be practical in the back yard of a subdivision. From this map, it’s already easy to see why Texas is America’s wind generator.

Energy Equity – The Future of Distributed Generation

Distributed generation not only puts power into the hands of consumers, it also creates jobs and income in areas where wind might not have previously been a valuble resource. It also uplifts communities, and does so in a green and sustainable way. The Distributed Wind Energy Association believes that distributed energy generation is the future, and invites you to learn more. Find out what it’s all about and join conversation today at

A Solution for Abandoned Wind Turbines

There are a number of abandoned wind turbines across the United States. These turbines are referred to as orphaned turbines. 

Some wind farmers hit hard times with the COVID-19 pandemic and couldn’t pay for repairs, so these turbines were left still and quiet. Others are legacy turbines that haven’t generated power in years — it’s far more cost effective to let turbines stand than pay to deconstruct and recycle them. 

These orphaned, desolate turbines don’t look great for the wind energy industry.

That’s why the Distributed Wind Energy Association (DWEA) has created a new platform dedicated to bringing orphaned turbines back to life. 

A special DWEA Orphaned Turbine Committee has created a forum to connect people all over the nation to come together and breathe new life into orphaned wind turbines. On this forum, you can:

  • Connect with installation and maintenance knowledge
  • Speak with technicians
  • Buy/sell used components
  • Find spare parts
  • Interact with the pulse of the industry

Join the DWEA Forum Today

Sign up to become a DWEA member and become a part of the distributed wind conversation. 



Distributed wind supporters – we have a quick turn-around to gather sign-ons for a new Congressional funding letter, hope to include your companies/organizations as co-signers!

See below for current language. Can you approve including your logo and location(s) similar to last year’s letter?

Who else could you invite? To effectively urge support for DW federal Appropriations, we’re looking to line up a few more signers ASAP in: AK, NH, MT, OR, WI, MN, VT, WA and CA – we’d appreciate if you can quickly send our request along to colleagues working in any of those key states.

Thanks for your consideration, especially during this challenging time – distributed wind has an important role to serve in recovery efforts!

Heather, Lloyd, Britton & Jane

July 28, 2020

Chairman Lamar Alexander, U.S. Senate
Chairwoman Marcy Kaptur, U.S. House of Representatives

Ranking Member Diane Feinstein, U.S. Senate                 
Ranking Member Mike Simpson, U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C.

Subject:  FY 2021 Appropriations for Distributed Wind

Dear Chairwoman Kaptur, Ranking Member Simpson, Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Feinstein:

On behalf of the Distributed Wind Energy Association, industry and others we urge your continued support for distributed wind power as you complete work on the fiscal year 2021 appropriations process.

As you know distributed wind power has great potential to contribute to the U.S. electricity mix, creating jobs, adding to grid and off-grid resilience and security, and reducing the risk of catastrophic climate change.  Distributed wind power is popular with farmers, ranchers, small and larger businesses alike because it enables significant cost savings with minimal land disturbance while helping to protect the environment.

Distributed wind turbines dot the American landscape, from farms to factories, homes, wildlife refuges, breweries, wineries, ski resorts, and schools.  American made turbines are found in well over 100 countries as well.  And yet this is still a nascent clean energy technology ripe for growth.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) estimates distributed wind power could reach another 49 million sites in the U.S. alone.  It has approximately the same technical potential as offshore wind power.  Notably distributed wind power works well with solar, as well as other distributed generation applications, such as wind/diesel power.  It is a particularly useful resource for rural communities, homes, dairy farms, as well as remote areas with high energy costs.

We are very appreciative of funding improvements in recent years.  This was entirely appropriate to begin correcting historic inequities and to unleash this technology’s true potential.  The funding thus far has been put to good use. 

And yet there is more to be done, including optimizing technology for grid-connected, micro-grid and off-grid market segments, expanding competitive improvement grants, reducing costs for both wind turbines and installations, addressing numerous “soft costs,” and expanding partnerships with key stakeholders; the effort required is real and substantial.

Please stay the course.  We’d urge a line item for distributed wind power this year once again, with $15m, or as close to it as possible.  Our many small businesses, manufacturers, vendors, customers, farmers, all rely heavily on this funding.  It is a vital lifeline to help bolster American jobs and manufacturing, increase farm and rural income, provide homeowners and others energy choice, improve energy security and protect the environment.

Thus, we urge you to maintain, and grow support, with clear directive language, for America’s distributed wind power community and for all the reasons noted above.

We greatly appreciate your consideration and look forward to working with you once again. 


– 70+ signers, especially in CA, OR, WA, MT, AK, MN, WI, VT, NH –

Distributed Wind 2020

Distributed Wind 2020, Feb. 26-27 in Washington DC

DWEA’s annual business conference and lobby day is your best opportunity to learn what’s new in behind-the-meter distributed wind, including DOE’s exciting new programs to advance distributed wind’s contribution to clean energy and resiliency.  DWEA’s half-day “DW on the Hill” event allows the industry and its supporter to take our message to Congressional leaders.  The agenda, registration and highly discounted hotel reservations are available HERE.

DWEA Lauds New ITC Legislation Supporting Distributed Wind Power

February 9, 2018

DWEA Lauds New ITC Legislation Supporting Distributed Wind Power
Industry Now Well Positioned for Rapid Growth


Durango, Colorado. Today, Congress passed new legislation to provide a multi-year extension of the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for small wind systems (100kW and below), and other clean energy technologies. The bill, included in today’s budget deal, provides parity with solar energy’s tax extension passed into law at the end of 2015. Notably, the legislation reinstates projects installed in 2017, as well as extends both the business and residential ITC through 2021.

“This is an exceptionally important day for the distributed wind industry and we applaud champions like Reps. Reed, Thompson, Blumenauer, and Cole, Senators Carper, Heller, Wyden, Schumer, Bennet, Thune, Grassley and many others for making this fix happen,” stated Jennifer Jenkins, Executive Director of the Distributed Wind Energy Association (DWEA).

“With long term federal policies on parity with solar, the U.S. distributed wind industry can finally refocus its efforts on cost reduction, technology improvement, and broad market adoption. This will surely lead to thousands of new American jobs and much needed rural economic development throughout the country” said Russell Tencer, DWEA Board President.

“The last few years have been a struggle due to cheap solar imports and unbalanced federal tax policy. We are preparing to launch a breakthrough small wind turbine that cuts energy production costs in half, so a fix to the federal tax credit issue is very timely for us,” said Mike Bergey, CEO of small wind turbine manufacturer Bergey Windpower and past president of DWEA.

“We have aligned with local U.S. customers to generate significant business opportunities for Eocycle,” reported Richard Legault, CEO of the Canadian-based wind turbine manufacturer with offices in the U.S. “We’ve just been waiting for the ITC to get extended to invest in this fertile market.”

“Placing small wind on parity to solar for the Investment Tax Credit allows corporations as well as small businesses and farms in the heartland of our country to realize the monetary value of their natural renewable resources,” stated Ciel Caldwell President and Chief Operating Officer of Northern Power Systems. She continued, “This will also support expansion of our United States operations as we continue to deliver reliable, technologically advanced turbines.”

“This type of support for distributed wind power grows America’s small businesses and supports the growth of U.S. manufacturing jobs. It also builds economic opportunity and energy self-sufficiency in rural towns from Maine to California,” noted Jenkins.

Since the end of 2015, the distributed wind industry has suffered many rounds of layoffs while waiting for the fix. “We are elated and ready to get back to work on the immense potential of the U.S. distributed wind market,” noted Tencer.

Many thanks are due all of the bi-partisan sponsors of bills such as HR 1090, and S2256.

DWEA projects 30 gigawatts of distributed wind capacity by 2030 and tens of thousands of new jobs with the right policies in place. DWEA’s white paper can be found here:  

About the Distributed Wind Energy Association
The Distributed Wind Energy Association is a collaborative group comprised of manufacturers, distributors, project developers, dealers, installers, and advocates, whose primary mission is to promote and foster all aspects of the American distributed wind energy industry. Distributed wind, commonly referred to as small and community wind, is the use of typically smaller wind turbines at homes, farms, businesses, and public facilities to off-set all or a portion of on-site energy consumption. DWEA seeks to represent members and associates from all sectors with relevant interests pertaining to the distributed wind industry. For more information on DWEA, please go to Follow us on Twitter @DWEA and like us on Facebook

For more information
Jennifer Jenkins, DWEA Executive Director, 928-380-6012